Sunday, October 5, 2014

Getting Ready to Go

It has been a long time since I have posted, simply because we haven't gone anywhere.  There was a short trip to Crater Lake but no wifi, so no post.  It is a spectacular venue and I am glad we finally got around to seeing it.

We arrived on Vashon about the first of April and proceeded to spend 2 1/2 months aggressively downsizing, painting, landscape clean up etc.-all in order to list the house for sale.  One day we had 8 workers here, painters, contractors and landscaped workers.  All that time R and I were busy with our chores.  We then had the realtors over for final review, only to be told that everything should be off counters, paperbacks should be ditched since they look "cheap," and the green leather chair and ottoman should be banished.  Soooo, it has been nearly 4 months of living as though in a hotel, each morning cleaning all dog hair, removing newspapers and magazines, putting sponges, dish soap etc. out of sight and WAITING.  It is a big pain for sure.
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If we sell it will be a sad day in many ways as I don't think there is a more cozy house with the privacy and view on the whole island.  We just want to travel for months at a time and the big house and 12 acres is more than we want to tend any more.  Max will miss his kingdom for sure, including the coast moles, coons and other critters he can prey upon.
Max unearthed this mole

Max does love the freedom to roam in the fenced part of the yard, coming and going as he pleases.

Max's Kingdom

We have targeted the end of the coming week to leave for Denver to see my niece, her husband, nearly 4 year old Maddie and the newest, Nori who is going on 9 months.

I have been busy making Maddie (last name Ng) her birthday present.  The name of the critter is Slither Ng.  Slither is 55" long and Auntie knit the whole thing!!!  

If we get out of here in time AND the weather cooperates she may get the gift early.  The trip from here to Denver entails going over the Rockies, so time is of the essence.  We have one prospective buyer coming back Tuesday, if there is no good offer in a couple of days we will close her up and take off.

Bella is largely packed, the freezer is defrosting and the departure to do list is being checked off.  One handy guide I ran across is the gas tax by state map.  We do NOT want to get fuel in CA.  Their outrageous tax policies continue to amaze.

Hopefully the next post will be from somewhere exciting while we are on the road.